MatERial. A story about self-healing concrete.

Autor: Eva Lucía Bayarri (autor) y Juvitina Galán (ilustr
ISBN: 9788412197679
Editorial: Boca Abajo Ediciones
IBIC: YNT Ciencia y tecnología (infantil/juvenil)

$355.00 MXN

Mat and Rial are good friends and live in a very
special concrete bridge. When a crack occurs, water can be
their salvation… or maybe water is not enough.
Bethesda is about to learn the wonders of a
self-healing MatERial.
Discover the story of a self-healing concrete
bridge, make friends with Mat, E and Rial and learn about
the most used construction MaERial in the world: concrete.


Mat and Rial are good friends and live in a very
special concrete bridge. When a crack occurs, water can be
their salvation… or maybe water is not enough.
Bethesda is about to learn the wonders of a
self-healing MatERial.
Discover the story of a self-healing concrete
bridge, make friends with Mat, E, and Rial, and learn about
the most used construction MaERial in the world: concrete.

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