From Esalen to Pune, Osho and the Path of Humanistic Transpersonal Psychology Experiential

Autor: Vikrant A. Sentis
ISBN: 9788418982767
Editorial: RIL Editores

$1,182.00 MXN


This book fills a great void existing, until now, in the description and understanding of the history of modern psychology. It sheds light on one of the most unknown and least assumed aspects of the historical development of humanistic-transpersonally oriented psychotherapy, by exposing, in a systematic and adequately documented way, the details of the development of therapeutic processes, the personal stories of the pioneers of the Human Potential Movement and the, in many ways, profound impact that Osho (also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) had on hundreds of psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists between the 1970s and 1990s.

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